i need to toughen up before i do another giveaway here since i felt sad choosing just one winner and i wished that everyone could have the prize! but, i’m happy that the estella gift certificate goes to ciara. thanks everyone for the comments, moms and moms-to-be!


i’m happy to be offering a giveaway from a store that i love: estella in nyc. one person will receive $50 worth of clothing from their new bamboo collection (layette to 18mo). bamboo is supple, stretchy, and absorbs less moisture than other fabric– allowing a baby to move freely and stay drier. also, bamboo is a renewable material that grows quickly and causes less harm to the environment. all of estella’s products are beautiful, and i like to frequent their sale section!

to enter the giveaway, leave a comment with your name and email and answer this question: what baby/kid’s clothing items have you found to be the most practical, that you use day after day? mine are leggings, velcro shoes, and cardigans. i’ll close the giveaway and choose a winner at random on wednesday march 28th.


eli wears this cotton cardigan from the gap almost daily– i wish i had gotten it in every size from now until age five!

i’m looking forward to checking this out!
Misaki Kawai – Love from Mt. Pom Pom
March 14- June 10
103 Charlton Street NYC, 10014

The Children’s Museum of the Arts (CMA) is proud to present an interdisciplinary art exhibition of new work by the internationally recognized Japanese artist Misaki Kawai, entitled Love from Mt. Pom Pom. Utilizing painting, drawing, sculpture, installation, artist books and zines, as well as animation and video, Misaki will transform CMA’s gallery into an imagined world named ‘Mt. Pom Pom’, where giant fuzzy animals and other colorful characters run wild.

artist jane wattenberg is a family friend who has published several books in her signature mixed media style. her work made me hope for a career as a graphic designer when i was in middle school. eli loves her accordian board books baby faces and beastly babies. jane just recently republished beastly babies.